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Who is Digital Impact Solutions?

Digital Impact Solutions is a full service marketing, design, web and ad agency with local, national and international reach.

DSG has refined a suite of solutions specifically tailored to help companies grow and prosper. The firm consults with businesses and organisations, developing marketing plans, communications, branding and e-business strategies to accelerate revenue growth.

Each solution is specifically geared to help businesses solve a set of problems, with measurable, manageable outcomes to create awareness, retention and long term profitability.

What do your websites or services cost?

The short answer: Our prices depend on so many factors, it’s impossible to say in one sentence. Avoid any web developer or marketer who can answer this question without a discussion.

The long answer: To get a better idea of the cost of what you want to build, give us a quick phone call. We’ll ask you a few questions about the nature of the site or service, what sort of interactivity the site will have, your graphic design needs, etc. Then we’ll come to your place of business and come up with a firm quote. Following the phone call and meeting we develop a full proposal.

If you talk to a web developer or provider who gives you an instant quote, run away! Imagine telling someone you want a car and having them immediately giving you a price for that car. Any fair and honest car salesperson would want to know the make, model and engine type of the car you’re looking to purchase, right? The same goes for building web sites, apps and various platforms. Depending on the features you want for your web site, the cost can be anywhere from a few thousand dollars to a few million.

What kind of services can I expect from Digital Impact Solutions once I launch my Website or Application?

We are constantly monitoring the Web and keeping up to date with the latest technologies. Our website designers, website developers, engineers and business consultants are always available to discuss the latest developments and potential opportunities that may enhance the utility of your website. To learn more about the additional services currently offered by Digital Impact Solutions, please visit our marketing services section.

Can you take care of everything – logo, branding, print, web and exhibition design?

When it comes to design, the answer is yes. From the design of your logo and brand to anything this could be applied to in print and online. We take care of the whole lot for you.

Does DSG offer SEO?

The service that we deliver today has been developed and refined over the past seven years as the industry has evolved.

We believe that ‘SEO’ needs to be viewed as part of a combination of techniques used to achieve the business goals, and not as a channel in isolation.

All the work we do for clients is with the aim of making their websites more visible to their target audience to drive website engagement. SEO is just one of many channels we utilise as part of a digital marketing campaign.

Are your websites responsive (mobile friendly)?

We use responsive or adaptive technology for our sites. We typically use responsive technology when the site design can be easily rearranged to fit the screen (more of a block style design where parts of your page can easily stack upon each other vertically as you shrink the window).  The more fun or unique your site design is, the more we’ll push for an adaptive solution due to the difficulties of rearranging elements of different shapes and sizes to fit nicely on all screens.

How much will it cost to add eCommerce to my website?

That all depends on how customized your eCommerce processes are and how many products you have.

What technologies do you use?

Web technologies are often divided in to two distinct groups: ‘front-end’ and ‘back-end’. The front-end technologies used to develop websites are non proprietary and generally the same for everyone – HTML, CSS, JS, etc. It’s how these are used that makes the difference. Back-end technologies however, vary and can have consequences for your website.

As strong advocates of Web Standards and Open Source licencing (see below), we gravitate towards non-proprietary back-end technologies: those not owed/licenced by, or reliant upon, any single company or commercial organisation. These include JavaScript (JQuery), PHP, MySQL, Apache Server, etc, and the Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) using these technologies.

Do you use Open Source software & technologies?

Yes absolutely. Where possible, when available and practical, we’ll always select software and technologies with Open Source licencing, over any other. We don’t necessarily do this because Open Source software is often free to use, but because the collaborative development model makes for better, more responsive, modern and robust web based applications.

About us

Digital Solutions program supports the commitment to enhance the capabilities of local small businesses. It delivers low cost, high quality and digital advisory services to Australian Small Businesses in the metropolitan and regional areas across four priority digital capabilities.